A non-harmful diagnostic tool for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of spinal imbalances.

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For Pediatrics Specialists.

Radiography Children

Postural imbalances, paramorphisms and dysmorphisms of the spine in children

For BHOHB, posture and proper musculoskeletal development are among the first factors that can affect a child's mental and physical well-being.

Many of the discomforts that afflict people in adulthood, such as back pain, neck pain, lower back pain, joint and muscle problems, are closely related to postural imbalances and can be found as early as developmental age.

To date, such imbalances and, more particularly paramorphisms and dysmorphisms of the spine, are investigated through diagnostic technology (X-rays) which, although effective and timely, makes use of harmful ionizing radiation.

Children, because of their greater radio-sensitivity than adults, are more susceptible to the risks associated with X-ray exposure.

With BHOHB, a pediatrician can:

  • Assess the child's total body postural situation without making use of RX.
  • Check for SCOLIOSIS, CIFOSIS and LORDOSIS in a timely and non-harmful manner, monitoring the treatments and/or pathways taken.
  • Check the effects on the spine following the adoption of dental braces or prescription lenses.
  • Determine the most suitable sport activity for a young person and monitor its impact to suggest, if necessary, a second activity for compensation and realignment.
  • Improving sports performance and reducing injuries for competitive youths.
  • Monitor the impact of the so-called Teck-Neck or Text-Neck, a condition that irretrievably afflicts the younger generation and is caused by the constant use of technologies such as Laptops and Smartphones.

Learn more here about how the Bambino Gesù Hospital in Rome uses BHOHB in Traumatology for diagnosis and monitoring of spine disorders.

pediatrics screening

BHOHB bridges the gap
Between Radiography and MRI

Postural screening, which can be performed with the BHOHB medical device, is within the framework of traditional diagnostic imaging, integrating, with innovative and non-invasive technology, the set of instruments most widely used in modern medical practice, such as radiography, MRI or computed tomography.

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Holism, Prevention and Pediatrics

In recent years, Medicine, has increasingly moved toward a holistic view of the patient that does not just treat according to the more traditional methods but aspires to prevent disease and maintain the individual in a state of overall health and well-being.

On this path toward a better quality of life for individuals, prevention plays a key role that aspires to keep patients in a state of good health, reducing the burden and costs on the national health care system.

Within this address, the modern pediatrician aspires to assist his or her patients not only by virtue of an increasingly high level of specialization, capable of "delivering" an optimal clinical-care pathway, but also to assist traditional diagnostic methodologies through innovative, non-invasive and non-harmful technologies.

holistic pediatrics

BHOHB and the clinical analysis of posture

BHOHB-certified medical devices, are the result of scientific and technological research that takes ministerial guidelines as a reference to provide different health professionals with the most suitable tools to carry out prevention, diagnosis and treatment of postural disorder.

BHOHB provides the pediatrician with a non-invasive, non-harmful postural and cervical screening technology that enables the specialist to apply the anamnestic and objective-clinical modalities necessary to evaluate and treat a patient with suspected postural dysfunction.

BHOHB provides pediatricians with a system that captures objective, measurable data and provides unambiguous guidance based on the latest scientific evidence.


Data from the BHOHB report

Each screening performed with BHOHB produces a comprehensive, detailed and objective report of the health status of a patient's spine, as well as a total body view, accompanied by a 3-D reconstruction of the spine.

The report is unique: it collects all the biometric measurements needed by medical specialists to make a diagnosis preparatory to embarking on a therapeutic course, a specialized in-depth study or, simply, a preventive activity toward numerous painful symptoms of patients.

Medical references

Prof. Giancarlo GrazianiDirector of Complex Operational Unit of Rehabilitation Medicine ASL Roma 1

"Pathologies of the spine result in real structural damage that leads to the need for repeated radiographic investigations. Among innovative technologies, the BHOHB allows for total body postural analysis using simple digital photos, without any use of ionizing radiation, which is why this technology was chosen for the analysis of the effectiveness of rehabilitation treatment in lateral column deviations."

Prof. Alessia RabiniSurgeon, Physiatrist c/o Policlinico Gemelli Foundation, Sacred Heart University Rome

"In the field of Rehabilitation Medicine, the use of the Biometrical Holistic Of Human Body (BHOHB) device finds a very wide range of application, allowing for total body postural assessment, skeletal biometry calculation, and detection and measurement of vertebral deviation angles without using X-rays."

Prof. Angelo Gabriele AulisaMedical director U.O.C. - Orthopaedics and Traumatology Children's Hospital Bambino Gesù, Rome

"I can say that the validation study of the BHOHB medical device is showing how effective this tool is especially in scoliosis screening. With BHOHB we can accelerate the diagnosis and monitor the progress of scoliosis, avoiding the repeated and invasive use of radiographic examination."

Dr. Nadezda RumyantsevaLapino Clinical Hospital, head physician assistance, MD, PhD

"We find a great advantage in using this technology, in patients with neurological and orthopedic profiles, as this technique allows us to objectively assess the changes that occur during treatment."

Dr. Bruno StafissoSports Medicine Specialist, Baropodometric Evaluation and Postural Biometrics.

"I was among the first specialists to use BHOHB in my visits for proper postural biometric assessment. A tool that made it possible to avoid hundreds of x-rays and only then in special cases were they also required for comparison."

Dr. Nicola SmiglianiSpecialist in General Medicine, Posturology and Ozone Therapy

"There have been more than a thousand cases treated with BHOHB, including both affections of the osteo-muscular structure and others. I can say that the instrument turns out to be completely reliable both objectively and also regarding the repeatability of the examination."

Dr. Nicola BacciEquo Center medical director, foot and posturology study center

"We have been using the BHOHB instrument for more than 5 years, which has professionally increased diagnostically, clinically, and therapeutically the possibilities of intervention toward a wide and varied type of patients."

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