Truly commit to the health and well-being of mind, body and spirit.

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Health promotion in primary and secondary schools

Health promotion, due to its complex articulation, requires an integrated and multidisciplinary approach that, when applied in the school setting, shows great effectiveness in directing "young consciences" to the adoption of a correct lifestyle.

For this reason, the European Commission (in cooperation with the Higher Institutes of Health of individual countries, universities and educational institutions) has scientifically and operationally defined the guidelines to be adopted within the school curricula in relation to the topic of Health.

These guidelines all go in the direction of PREVENTION and are a a requirement for a school that aspires to excellence.

boys back problems
Learning and posture

For a School of Excellence

A modern school is required to stimulate and develop the talents of its students through a well-rounded, multidisciplinary education that integrates culture, sports activities, art, respect for the environment, and technological literacy.

The traditional combination of culture and sports, summarized in the motto "mens sana in corpore sano" of classical memory, is now desired to be joined by the concept of Health, understood as the mental and physical balance of the student, for the purpose of harmonious cultural and physical growth.

In the face of these new demands, a school that aspires to excellence must supplement its educational offerings with prevention activities aimed at ensuring the health of its students.

A pivotal point is posture monitoring.

Back pain in children and young people

Data over the past decades reveal a significant increase in back pain and spinal imbalances in the age group̀ between 6 and 18 years.
Among the causes of back pain in children and young people, the following are of particular note:

tech neck kids

Tech Neck or Technological Syndrome

Constant use of devices such as Laptops and Smartphones with detrimental effect on the spine and posture in general

In Pediatrics, BHOHB is used for prevention and monitoring of developmental children.
Thanks to BHOHB, a pediatrician can:

- Assess Total Body postural situation without making use of RX.
- Verify SCOLIOSIS, CIFOSIS and LORDOSIS objectively, accurately and in a non-harmful manner, monitoring the treatments and/or paths taken.
- Determine the most suitable sport activity for a young person or monitor the impact of a practiced Sport to suggest, if necessary, a second activity for compensation and realignment.
- Monitor the impact of the so-called Teck-Neck or Text-Neck. This issue, which irretrievably afflicts the younger generation and is caused by the constant use of technologies such as Laptops and Smartphones, is believed to be devastating globally due to its effect on the spine and posture in general.
- Monitor the impact of the weight of backpacks on students' shoulders.
- Check the effects on the spine following the adoption of braces on teeth or consequent to theuse of eyeglasses and prescription lenses.
- Improve sports performance and reduce injuries for children who participate in competitive activities.

Learn more here about how the Bambino Gesù Hospital in Rome is using BHOHB in Traumatology for diagnosis and monitoring of spinal disorders.

motor activity children

Poor or inadequate motor activity

For lack of knowledge of the individual child's musculoskeletal situation.

In Pediatrics, BHOHB is used for prevention and monitoring of developmental children.
Thanks to BHOHB, a pediatrician can:

- Assess Total Body postural situation without making use of RX.
- Verify SCOLIOSIS, CIFOSIS and LORDOSIS objectively, accurately and in a non-harmful manner, monitoring the treatments and/or paths taken.
- Determine the most suitable sport activity for a young person or monitor the impact of a practiced Sport to suggest, if necessary, a second activity for compensation and realignment.
- Monitor the impact of the so-called Teck-Neck or Text-Neck. This issue, which irretrievably afflicts the younger generation and is caused by the constant use of technologies such as Laptops and Smartphones, is believed to be devastating globally due to its effect on the spine and posture in general.
- Monitor the impact of the weight of backpacks on students' shoulders.
- Check the effects on the spine following the adoption of braces on teeth or consequent to theuse of eyeglasses and prescription lenses.
- Improve sports performance and reduce injuries for children who participate in competitive activities.

Learn more here about how the Bambino Gesù Hospital in Rome is using BHOHB in Traumatology for diagnosis and monitoring of spinal disorders.

Flawed positions

Spoiled and fixed postures

that children assume and maintain for many hours a day, sitting at their school desks, desks or in front of the television.

In Pediatrics, BHOHB is used for prevention and monitoring of developmental children.
Thanks to BHOHB, a pediatrician can:

- Assess Total Body postural situation without making use of RX.
- Verify SCOLIOSIS, CIFOSIS and LORDOSIS objectively, accurately and in a non-harmful manner, monitoring the treatments and/or paths taken.
- Determine the most suitable sport activity for a young person or monitor the impact of a practiced Sport to suggest, if necessary, a second activity for compensation and realignment.
- Monitor the impact of the so-called Teck-Neck or Text-Neck. This issue, which irretrievably afflicts the younger generation and is caused by the constant use of technologies such as Laptops and Smartphones, is believed to be devastating globally due to its effect on the spine and posture in general.
- Monitor the impact of the weight of backpacks on students' shoulders.
- Check the effects on the spine following the adoption of braces on teeth or consequent to theuse of eyeglasses and prescription lenses.
- Improve sports performance and reduce injuries for children who participate in competitive activities.

Learn more here about how the Bambino Gesù Hospital in Rome is using BHOHB in Traumatology for diagnosis and monitoring of spinal disorders.

For structured educational offerings that are sensitive to the health of students

With BHOHB, the school integrates and completes its educational mission, also qualifying itself as a place deputed to the prevention and protection of the Health of its students.

By adopting BHOHB technologies, an educational institution offers families a distinctive educational offering that integrates the acquisition of knowledge, skills and competence with the principles of prevention, harmony and health.

Applying BHOHB technology in schools means doing prevention, through a simple, non-harmful and non-invasive examination.

  • Check and monitor the postural health and growth of students
  • Ascertain the correctness of the gymnastic activities practiced (the sport chosen is not always healthy, especially if it is competitive)
  • Check the compatibility of loads due to backpacks if there is a condition such as scoliosis, kyphosis or lordosis.
School harmony

Posture and learning

For developmental students, noninvasive and constant monitoring of posture is crucial. Indeed, data over the past decades show a worrying increase in back pain and spinal imbalances in an agè range of 6 to 18 years.

Spinal imbalances should also be considered in relation to learning capacity, as their occurrence can be associated with decreased neural receptivity, as well as a decreased ability of the nervous system to adapt the body to environmental changes.

Medical science around the world has thus established that periodic checking of the spine and nervous system is necessary to determine good overall health and is as advisable as regularly examining eyesight, hearing and teeth.

School sports
bhohb bg
posture in school

BHOHB and the Analysis of Posture

BHOHB is a technology whose core is all digital. Simply put, BHOHB reconstructs, through 4 simple digital photographs, all the biometries of the skeleton (planes, angles, areas and segments), producing a fast, accurate and objective total body postural examination that is completely non-harmful and non-invasive, thus repeatable as many times as you want.

BHOHB is certified by the Ministry of Health as a diagnostic apparatus and is used by countless pediatric institutions, including theBambino Gesù Children's Hospital in Rome..

  • NO X-RAY: non-harmful, non-invasive and repeatable at all times
  • SIMPLE: total body screening with 4 digital photographs
  • FAST: only a few minutes to conduct the screening
  • PRECISE: objective measurements with 3D skeletal reconstruction
  • PATENTED: with patent Italy, Europe and World
  • IN CLOUD: with digital report always available

Are you interested in introducing BHOHB in your school or institute?

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