Scientific Protocols

BHOHB solutions are useful to people of all ages for the prevention, diagnosis or treatment of certain postural disorders. This page shows the Scientific Protocols in place at Health Care institutions of international significance.

Bambino Gesù Children's Hospital

Validation of the Biometrical Holistic Of Human Body (BHOHB) in the diagnosis of scoliosis in pediatrics.

Bambino Gesù Children's Hospital

Impatto e Valutazione delle anomalie scheletriche nel paziente pediatrico con scompenso cardiaco, portatore di VAD e sottoposto a trapianto cardiaco.

San Filippo Neri Hospital

Validation of the effectiveness of rehabilitation treatments in lateral spine deviations measured by using the Biometrical Holistic of Human Body - BHOHB.

Agostino Gemelli University Hospital

Application of BHOHB Postural® and BHOHB Cervical® for postural assessment of patients with dysmorphisms and paramorphisms of the spine, in rehabilitation settings.

Humanitas Research Hospital

Validation of a passive marker photographic system for posture assessment.